Meeting Minutes for November 9, 2015
7:03pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:
-Jon received bills from Kim for $277.23 (trap building materials); Nicole for $123.21 (cleaning and supplies); Jim for $175.54 (striker plate & trap bldg) and Jon paid club bills.
-Jim got a quote for a new card key system with 100 keys for $1097.18 from a local company and it was agreed by BOD to go ahead with the purchase of new system.
-Central Electric fixed all outdoor parking lights
7:37 Meeting was called to order
In honor of Veteran’s Day, President Mike asked that all Veterans in attendance lead the members in the Pledge of Allegiance & Conservation pledge
Introduction of Officers: Kim-Recording Secretary, Mike Cumberland-President, Brian Jesteadt-Membership, Jon Hiser-Treasurer, Stephen Gustkey-Pistol Team, George Queen –Membership at Large
Last month’s minutes read and accepted
Treasurer’s Report: Jon read the treasurer’s report.
Pop Machine: Steve reported an income of $4 from pop in refrigerator and asked that someone please remove the pop machine in front hall.
Bills & Communications: Jon paid bills
Rental Committee Report: Iron Mountain had their range rental and it went well. Hall rental this month on November 21st.
Trap Team: Kim turned in $158.29 from practice and Little League shoot. Tom said the winter trap league on Sunday’s has started and that some wives are coming out and learning to shoot.
Black Powder: Mike reported 14 shooters yesterday and minus expenses turned in $28 to club. He also received and turned in a donation from the Wilson’s again for $1000 for the log cabin project.
Junior Rifle Team: Just started back shooting the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm and are looking for more junior shooters. If anyone is interested in having their juniors learn to shoot, please contact Mike Ripley.
Pistol Team: Shooting Thursdays and having fun. With no expenses, Steve turned in $87 to club.
Sister in Arms: Sharon had nothing to report for last month and said with more interest from women to join, she needs to separate the class into different groups based on experience. Maybe try to have a class Nov 20th? She turned in $35 to club.
Membership: Brian read all new memberships and welcomed all new members who introduced themselves. He collected $1130 in memberships with $975 to General fund and $155 to Maintenance fund. We have 157 new this year with 70 senior members renewed for 2016.
Old Business: Mike C. installed the new front doors and reported that the BOD has approved the purchase of a new card key system that will be replacing the old one that isn’t working. With the new key system it was decided that there will be a yearly fee along with a deposit for any members wanting to replace their existing card key. The cost for the new key/deposit will be determined at a later date. The BOD’s are still looking for a member to assume the duties of contact person for all hall rentals as Kim has resigned from position. If anyone is interested, please contact any BOD. Dickie is starting his fun indoor shoot the 1st, 3rd and 4th Monday of each month at 7pm. The cost is $1/target, open sights and 22cal. everyone is invited to come out and have fun!
Election of Officers: All BOD’s were nominated for the positions they now hold.
New Business: Steve recommended that Mike C. get a free membership this year due to all his work at the club and that Rich Hoover get a $100 gift and year membership for keeping the grounds looking good again this year.
8:16 pm – motion was made to adjourn meeting.