Meeting Minutes May 13, 2024
7:00 pm – The board of directors met before the general membership meeting. These are the items that were discussed:
Mike is going to order stone for the parking lot
Steve wants to set up a meeting on May 19th for the upcoming renovations.
7:30 pm – Meeting was called to order.
Introduction of Officers: Mike Cumberland- President, Chris Smith- Treasurer, Brian Jesteadt- Membership, James Hacke- Secretary, Joe Urish- Pistol, Mike Ripley- Black Powder, Tom Horstman- Trap(absent), Tom Fischer- Appointed by the membership.
Treasurer’s Report: Chris read the report.
Bills and Communications: Brian turned in a bill for ordering new key cards. Chris reimbursed $322.05 to Brian.
Pop: Steve turned in $4.03.
Rental Committee Report: May 18 and 19 all day for the Constables (pistol range and main hall), May 27th the rifle range is rented. June 22 main hall (5 – 7pm).
Pistol Team: No report. Joe reported that the pistol team won the tri-county league. Joe reported the summer league will begin around the end of May.
Trap Team: Tuesday night trap shooting practice will start on June 4th. 5pm till dark or when everyone is done shooting. $4 per round of 25 clay targets.
Black Powder / Meat Shoots: Mike combined the meat shoot and frolic. He took in $720, expenses were $360, kept $108, turned in $252.
Junior Rifle Team: Looking for anyone interested in leading junior shooting classes. Contact Mike Ripley if interested.
Fun Indoor Shoot: Barry reported they had the last fun shoot till later this year. Barry took in $280, paid out $140. Barry turned in a bill for $369 for new lights for the range and some mower parts. Chris refunded $229 to Barry. The fun shoots are on break for the time being. Doors open at 9 am with the first shoot starting around 10 am.
Rifle: Al reported for 3 events and brought in $164, expenses $12, and turned in $152. Al will host a steel egg shoot at the 100-yard rifle range for .22 caliber rifles on May 26th, June 30th, July 28th, and August 25th. Shooting will begin around 10 am. Al is hosting a bench paper match shoot to be held on June 12th, July 10th, and August 14th from 1 pm to 6 pm.
Membership: Brian took in $130, maintenance fund $10, general fund $120. Key cards were $20. The total membership is 594 which consists of 456 senior/life charter members. There are 38 new members for the 2024 year.
Old Business: The pistol team cleaned out the indoor backstop removing a total of 385 pounds of lead.
New Business: Steve had some of the outdoor pistol range target holders repaired. The pistol team had poured a new entry pad at the back door. There are a total of 4 bags of cement left over. If anyone is interested in purchasing them contact Steve G.
Good of the Association:
8:00 pm – Meeting adjourned.