September Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for September 14, 2015
7:07pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:
-Kim resigned from hall rental responsibilities but will finish out the year if no replacement is found.
-Bill from Arners to repair tractor belt/pickup needs paid to trap team.
-alcohol needs to be locked up due to underage members in club
-cabinet for Sharon
-kitchen needs to be cleaned up after use
-fryers need to be drained and covered up
-rifle range needs to be finished; Jim said he would get on it.
-George said he would talk to Ken Hertzog to see if he would be willing to help with rifle range.
-update the newsletter
-Jon was told to pay bills
7:38 Meeting was called to order
Pledge of Allegiance & Conservation pledge
Introduction of Officers: Kim-Recording Secretary, Mike Cumberland-President, Brian Jesteadt-Membership, Jon Hiser-Treasurer, Stephen Gustkey-Pistol Team, Bruce Bateman-Trap and Mike Ripley- Junior Rifle and Black Powder.
Last month’s minutes read and accepted
Treasurer’s Report: Jon read report
Bills & Communications: none
Rental Committee Report: Just got some dates for 2016 from PSU/Hunter Safety and some hall rentals.
Pistol Team: Still shooting on Thursdays and will move indoors first week of October. Turned in $607 from kitchen during Rendezvous.
Trap Team: Kim turned in $198.82 for league shoot and practice nights.
Black Powder: Not as many active shooters this month. Mike turned in $800 to club from Rendezvous.
Junior Rifle Team: nothing to report
Membership: Brian read all new memberships and welcomed all new members who introduced themselves. He collected $405 in memberships with $360 to General fund and $45 to Maintenance fund. We have approximately 542 members with 134 new this year.
Sister in Arms: Sharon turned in $30 from last month. There were 6-8 women who attended.
Pa Conservation Officer Randy P. gave appreciation plaque to club for donation of club use for hunter education classes.
Old Business: New doors are at the paint shop at Oesterlings Sandblasting & Painting and will donate the paint in exchange for a donation letter. We need to start looking into a new card key system.
New Business: someone wanted to have meeting minutes posted on website. Art Pryor resigned from pop machine duty as the machine is not working so now pop will be in kitchen refrigerator with water. Rick Sinclair also resigned from kitchen duties during Rendezvous and Steve said he will resign in a few years. The Youth day is cancelled. Winter Trap league will start November 1st from 1pm-5pm and will go for 12 weeks. Jim Hacke said he will take care of downed tree in back of club. Kim is resigning and asks that there be a new hall rental contact person.
8:43 pm – motion was made to adjourn meeting.