100 yard benchrest match – Saturday, April 29, 2023
Registration and the match will be held at the rifle range. Registration begins at 8am and the first relay will begin at 9am. Subsequent relays will begin approximately every 45-60 minutes. If you choose to shoot one of the later relays, you do not have to register at 8am, but may register upon arrival. Last relay of the day will begin approximately 3:30 pm. Each relay will be 30 minutes in length and will consist of unlimited sighters and 20 scoring rounds. Each relay you will be issued three NRA TQ-4 targets. One target is for sighting/practice and the other two are for 10 scoring rounds, each. Registration fee is $5 for the first score you shoot of the day. If you choose to shoot subsequent relays(in the same division or in another rifle division), the fee for those relays is $4.
There are four rifle divisions.
1. Target scoped- any scope power- any brand of .22lr ammunition
2. Target iron sights( with a sub-division of Vintage American Smallbore)- target sights- any brand of .22 ammunition
3. Sporter open- sporter or varmint type barrel- any scope power- any brand of .22lr ammunition
4, Sporter limited- sporter or varmint type barrel- scope power limited to 10X(you may have a higher power variable, but must turn it down to 10X. Ammunition must be American made. This division is the only one with scope and ammunition limitations.
Rifles may be shot off a front rest and rear bag or a bipod and rear bag. No one-piece rests allowed. I will supply two wind flags, but you may also bring your own if you choose. Match is open to members and non-members. If you know of anyone who may be interested in this match please have them reach out to Al Vogan at Vogan2000@comcast.net.