Meeting Minutes October 12, 2020
7:00 pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:
Discussed removing the old mower and tractor sheds.
7:30 pm – Meeting was called to order
Introduction of Officers: Mike Cumberland- President, John Hiser- treasurer, Brian Jesteadt- Membership, James Hacke- Secretary, Roger Carfangia- Pistol, Mike Ripley- Black Powder & Junior Rifle, Tom Horstman- Trap (Absent).
Treasurer’s Report: Jon read the report.
Bills and Communications: Jon said our new CMP certificate came in. It will be hung inside the main hall building. There is a member number on the certificate if any club members would like to utilize any of the programs offered by the CMP.
Pop: Steve turned in $30.
Rental Committee Report: SRU Police on Nov.4th from 3-9 PM, the hall is rented on the 8th and 14th.
Pistol Team: Rodger said they were finally able to hold last year’s indoor banquet in Sept. due to Covid-19. Rodger took in $626, expenses of $259, kept $110, turned in $257. 22 cal. & Centerfire 32, 38, & 45 cal. All welcome to come practice.
Trap Team: Trap took in $600, expenses $320, kept $83, turned in $197. The last chance to shoot practice on Tuesdays will be October 20th. Winter league starts on October 25th. Winter league will be from noon-5 PM. League fees will be $10 for adults and $5 for junior shooters. Anyone is still able to come practice during the winter league on Sundays. It cost $3.50 per round of 25 targets. Anyone is welcome to come and shoot.
Black Powder: Mike said the rendezvous took in $1,010, expenses $300, kept $213, turned in $497. Trail shoot had about 33 attendees and brought in $330, expenses $165, kept $50, turned in $115.
Meat Shoot: Trail shoot had about 33 attendees and brought in $330, expenses $165, kept $50, turned in $115. Meat shoots are on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11:00 am. (Black powder, closest to bullseye).
Junior Rifle Team: Mike said that the Junior shoots will start on November 2nd. Shooting will be on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30-8 pm and only cost $2. Contact Mike Ripley with any questions or interest.
Archery: Nothing to report.
Fun Indoor Shoot: Dickie turned in $50. They normally shoot every Monday 10 am-till shooting is done. Doors open at 9 am. Everyone is welcome. .22 caliber rifles from a rested position. Closest to bullseye wins a prize.
Membership: Brian took in $560, maintenance fund $65, general fund $495, key cards $30. For the year 2020, we have 82 new members, 451 senior life/charter members, 617 total club members.
Old Business: The club hosted a hunter safety course in the month of September. Had a full turnout of 25 kids. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions participation was limited to only 25 kids while their parents waiting in their vehicles. Thanks, and congratulations to all who participated in the course.
New Business: Mike said that the election of officers will be coming up over the next months. Feel free to come to nominate members if you have any in mind. Steve said he would order a new American flag to replace the one hanging from the flagpole inside the hall.
Good of the Association:
8:24 pm – Motion to adjourn